Carol Marak, author of "The Basics of Aging in Place – A Complete Guide to Resources & Common Needs "

What’s your name?

Carol Marak

Where do you live? Where have you lived?


Tell us about yourself!

I never thought much about growing older until I turned 66 and that’s when I began to notice my body, and especially my energy level, shift. My thoughts about life are very different than they used to be. Today, it’s more about staying healthy, taking care of myself, staying safe and independent at home. Those are my priorities. Of course, I enjoy quality friendships and spending my time doing the things I love.

What do you consider your personal superpower?

Helping people like me, aging at home alone, stay safe and independent. I love to research and write and through these mechanisms, I have created courses, guide books, and road maps for individuals 50 and over to read and apply for their own aging down the road.

What are two things you’re looking forward to in the next 6 months?

Traveling to Montreal and my first attempt in writing a novel. 

Favorite books?

All the books written by Jennifer Robson, Historical Fiction. Very lovely books. Another is Racing in the Rain, a tear-jerker but very sweet.

What does your day to day schedule look like? Morning routine?

  1. Praying and giving thanks.

  2. Having a cup of coffee.

  3. Yoga and stretching. After that, focus on my to-do list.

How do you judge success for the day? Any guiding principles?

Completing action items 1 through 3 and going to bed at the end of the day with a heart of gratitude.

What are your favorite activities?

Walking and reading.

Where are your favorite places to travel to? Big or small, all fine.

The beach and mountains. No matter the country.

Favorite Quotes?

Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. The courage to change the things I can. And the wisdom to know the difference.

Any tips or practice you personally recommend for someone who lives alone?

Plan now and proceed with clarity. Always pursue community and remember to seek possibilities.

Anything else we should include that would either help the community or let people learn more about what makes you you?

Visit my website for free and useful tips and guides.

The Basics of Aging in Place – A Complete Guide to Resources & Common Needs ($5.99.)  The book (download) will arm you with resources – ways to pay for modifications, how to find care and local rides to get around, and more!